Navigating the Entrepreneurial Maze: Montreal's Challenges and Opportunities

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Maze

Montreal's Challenges and Opportunities

By Prinon Khandaker|January 15, 2023|Estimated read time: 4 min

Navigating the Entrepreneurial Maze

Montreal's Challenges and Opportunities

By Prinon Khandaker|January 15, 2023|Estimated read time: 4 min

My name is Prinon Khandaker, and I am an entrepreneur based out of Montreal but in this cosmopolitan city it can really feel like the scales are tilted against you and the system does not want you to thrive.

Diversify or Die

I have been a big fan of diversifying into multiple businesses as nothing is forever and nothing is 100% certain.

Starting up anything in Montreal it’s so difficult from getting the proper licensing the right people making sure you comply with all the provincial and municipal rules. Also, the part where you need to come up with the million-dollar idea.

Red tape and Unfair Practices

Banking and finance can be quite tricky sometimes as they hold the key to your success, which is extremely unfair as banks should not be able to bring someone who is paying their bills on time and has a positive growth and slap them with red tape to stop their gross due to possible risk factors and expose credit on their part.

A Way to Build and Strengthen Community

I think it’s important to diversify into multiple businesses because nothing is forever and nothing is 100% certain. That’s why I’m looking into diversifying my portfolio into small franchise restaurants to complement my real estate portfolios. I’ve always admired the way businesses can bring people together, and I love how food brings people together even more than most things do. And since food is so significant in our lives, it makes sense that restaurants would be a great way to build community while providing something people need every day.

Banking and finance can be quite tricky sometimes as they hold the key to your success—which is extremely unfair as banks should not be able to hold someone back just because they’re paying their bills on time and have a positive growth rate.

You know, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now.

A nightmare

In my opinion, starting up anything in Montreal is a nightmare.

You need to get all the proper licenses and make sure you comply with all the provincial and municipal rules. You need to come up with your million-dollar idea. And then you have to find the people who can help you make it happen.

An Unfair Lending Environment

I’m looking into diversifying my portfolio into small franchise restaurants to complement my real estate portfolios. Banking and finance can be tricky sometimes as they hold the key to your success—and that’s just not fair! Banks should not be able to bring someone who pays their bills on time, has a positive growth, and wants to expand their business and slap them with red tape because they want to protect themselves from possible risk factors. Banks should be there for their customers when they need them most!

Montreal Lacks a Qualified Workforce

My experience with the business world in Montreal has been… less than positive. Starting a company in Montreal is a real challenge, to say the least, and it’s not just because there aren’t enough people to fill the jobs.

It’s also because of the restrictions on what you can do and where you can go.

Bureaucratic Hurdles

The red tape alone is enough to make me want to move out of town (if I could). I’ve been thinking about diversifying my portfolio by getting into small franchise restaurants, which would complement my real estate portfolios perfectly. But now that I’m thinking about it, banking and finance seem like something that could be tricky—not because they’re bad at their jobs or anything, but because they hold the key to your success, which is unfair when compared with how banks treat people who are paying their bills on time and growing their businesses.

I have always been a fan of diversifying my portfolio. Nothing is forever, and nothing is 100% certain. I believe in keeping my options open, and in being prepared for whatever comes my way.

I have been looking into franchises as an opportunity to complement my real estate portfolio. I have seen a lot of success stories from people who have started small businesses, and I think it’s important to give back to the community and share my knowledge with others.

I’m currently looking into restaurants as a possibility for my next venture. The restaurant industry is booming right now, and there are so many opportunities for growth within it.

The biggest challenge I’ve faced in Montreal so far has been getting all the proper licensing in order to start up anything new—it can be very difficult! And then there’s also finding the right people to help you get started with the right equipment, making sure you comply with all the provincial and municipal rules, and coming up with the million-dollar idea!

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